My Journey to Becoming a Digital Nomad And Living On My Sun Line For The First Time
I am writing this article on the one-year anniversary of my first time ever stepping foot in Portugal. I took my first international solo trip last year 2022 and visited Europe for the first time. Portugal was my chosen destination for what I would soon realize was for a divine reason. My first trip to Portugal opened my eyes to so much. It opened me up to a new way of living, new experiences, new food, and new friendships. It was a breath of fresh air. Once I returned from my trip, I discovered Astrocartography and learned that Portugal is indeed on my Sun line. And it made complete sense.
What is this ‘Sun line’? To understand the importance of the Sun line, one must first become familiar with Astrocartography. Astrocartography is a map of how and where the planetary energies and placements in your natal chart have an impact in the areas of your life included but not limited to career, love, money, and family. Essentially, by using your birth date, birth time, and location, one can pull up your Astrocartography map and see which places in the world would be most beneficial to travel to for certain life aspects. The Sun is oftentimes seen as the most desirable energy, as your sun line provides an energy of confidence and success. The Sun generates a vitality, a life-giving energy that inspires you and equips you to do all that you are inspired to do. So, when you’re on your sun line, things are as they’re supposed to be. People typically feel naturally drawn to live on their sun lines. If there is a place you’ve always wanted to travel to or live in ever since you were younger, it may very well be on or near your sun line.
After having done much travel this year, I felt that it was time to commit to my passion for exploring the world. So, I decided to become a full-time digital nomad. During the first two weeks of my trip to Europe this year, I had a friend with me which we planned our two-week vacation together. One day as we were sitting in a café and planning out our trip itinerary, I thought aloud, “what if I just stayed in Europe?” and my friend looked at me, puzzled. She asked me what I would do about my job. And I told her I wasn’t sure, but I would figure something out. So, I did.
A week later I had a conversation with my then manager, and I told her about my plans to extend my trip to Europe until December. I told her after my two week's vacation, I would resume working as usual and even assured her I would work on the same time zone as the team. My manager told me she would ask the director if it was possible, although she said she had a strong feeling it wasn’t. And it was not possible indeed, due to tax implications for my former company. My manager communicated how much she enjoyed working with me and even encouraged me to take the trip and enjoy my time in Europe. She told me it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. After meeting with my manager on my last day of work, I shut down my laptop and finished packing my suitcase for my flight the next day, embarking me on day one of my digital nomad journey.
As with any move, it comes with its challenges. I had to adjust to a new sleep schedule, time zone changes, language differences, and overall, a different lifestyle. It took more energy than I realized and there were days where all I wanted to do was stay inside of my apartment and rest. But eventually, the language started to feel more familiar. I knew routes to places like grocery stores, cafes and pharmacies, and I became familiar with the city of Lisbon to the point where I could navigate certain areas without GPS. Things became easier, and as things became easier, doors started to open up for me.
I traveled with minimal savings and I was determined to make it work. Interestingly enough, every time I needed money, it would just appear somehow. Whether it was an account I forgot I had money in or cash I didn’t realize I had in my wallet. One day, I got down to literally my last dollar. I then remembered an account I hadn’t touched for years that ironically enough had exactly the amount of money that I needed. Synchronicities like this reaffirmed my belief that I am indeed, on the right path.
Admittedly, one of the toughest challenges has been pivoting from corporate work to self-employment. With this turbulent job market, I was struggling to find a job, and it got to a point where I realized that I needed to figure something out, and figure something out fast. I decided that I could no longer wait for a corporation to hand me a job to relieve me of my financial burdens. I had to take matters into my own hands. It was a must. There was no other option.
I started brainstorming and thinking about ways I could incorporate the things I enjoyed and was both passionate about and good at, into something I could serve others with and provide value to the world. I thought deeply about this for days and then it hit me. I am currently living on my Sun line! That is absolutely something to talk about and share with the world. I’ve been seeing how being on my sun line has opened doors for me and provided so much expansion that it feels like magic. It was no secret to me that I was brought here for this reason-- for this discovery.
I realized that what I wanted to do for the world, is what I was already doing for myself. I decided to take myself on a trip to my Sun line to expand and find purpose, meaning, and direction in life. As a result, I’ve experienced newfound friendships, connections, business opportunities, collaborations, and so much internal expansion ever since I stepped foot in Portugal.
My experience on my Sun line has been such a transformative experience for me, and I have a passion for helping others experience their own transformation through travel. Even if you may not fully believe that astrology has any merit, it’s still a fun thing to explore. If you’re going to travel anyway, why not travel to places that your birth chart says would be the most favorable for your finances or even lead you to your soul mate! You have nothing to lose but everything to gain.
As I document my journey living in my Sun line and all the reflections and experiences that come with it, I realize that I was led here by my inner being for Jodyssey to be born. It had to be born out of my own journey. It had to come from within.
Out of pure fun, I decided to do a couple of Astrocartography readings for a few of my friends here in Portugal, and every single one of them was accurate, to the point where it was a bit freaky for all of us! Then my friend Ricardo said to me, “you should open up a shop where you can give people these readings”. And so, I did. Here I am.
Welcome to Unfettered Jodyssey. I am so happy you are here. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and I hope I can help you write your own story through travel. May your best and greatest adventures lie ahead!
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